About League of Regions

Learn more about "League of Regions" and the concept behind it.

  1. Purpose of League of Regions
  2. The purpose of League of Regions is to provide a platform where player can create or join a club which is located in a specific region. In this initial version they can carry out friendly matches against clubs in their region.

  3. Scope of League of Regions
  4. The current scope of League of Regions is Germany only.

  5. Concept of League of Regions
  6. The concept behind League of Regions is simple. A User can join or create a club. This club is located to a specific city. In this city the club can create a team which will be created in a inital division assigned to the located city. In this current version a team requires 5 teamplayer to create a friendly match against another team. Friendly Matches can be accepted or rejected by the other team. If the friendly match is accepted both teams will get a gamecode to play at the assigned time. After the date of the match is over the requestor team can insert the results. The requested team can verify the results and can call the support if they disagree with the result. The support will take care about a fair result.

  7. What is planned for future?
  8. This basic version is currently intented to test the basic function. In future versions seasons and a proper ranking system will be introduced.